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Process Servers Licensed and Bonded in the City of New York.

We are an independent, licensed New York process servers  who focus on providing process service to attorneys, small legal firms and the self represented. We serve all kinds of legal documents, including summonses, New York subpoenas, writs, orders of protection, notices, citations, divorce petitions, child support orders, etc. Our NYC process service is reliable and professional. With hassle free legal solutions you can depend on, we will provide efficient and prompt results. Send your court papers today and our New York process servers will save you time and money.

New York Process Servers

We serve summonses, subpoenas, divorce petitions, child support petitions, judgments, citations, writs complaints, court orders and
other legal documents. We are a New York licensed process server (Lic # 2067123). Contact us whenever you need affordable New
York process service , New York Subpoena   Service , court document serving or  New York attorney support services.

We  work directly with many successful New York attorneys and other legal  professionals by providing them with  professional and
efficient process service,  summons service and subpoena service.
Also, in order to help legal firms in New York or elsewhere in United States, we provide NY court filing, NY index number purchase, NY
court document search and subpoena delivery.

We  serve  respondents/tenants and landlords in landlord/tenant cases  with legal forms   and  service of process to proceed in eviction cases, holdover  petitions, vacate orders and nonpayment proceedings.

In New York City Process Servers Must Be Licensed

If you need a New York process server, you must ensure that she is licensed or else you may waste time and money if your case is
dismissed because of improper service of process. New York laws state that if you require professional Brooklyn process service,
Queens process service or Bronx process service, the process server must have a process service license. The same also applies for Staten Island and New York County. For Long Island, process servers in Nassau County  and Suffolk County do not require license. Westchester County process servers do not need to be registered either.


How to Contact Us:

In order to get our registered  process service or NY attorney support services in New York, please contact us via email or call us at: 718-277-2968.





Email Your Court Papers Now To:  or

(You  may also send your court  papers by USPS priority mail or regular mail to the address below)

Mail Your Papers by FedEx/priority mail to:

New York Process Service
54 Bristol Street, Ste. # 7F
Brooklyn, New York 11212

(Please do not use USPS certified mail in order to avoid delays)

Bring Your Papers in Person to us:
Intake Office:
New York Process Service
405 Rockaway Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11212

(Open from 10:30 a.m.-05:00 p.m. M-F).

 We serve your court documents in Queens, Manhattan, Bronx,  Staten Island, and Brooklyn within 2-5 business days

  • Licensed New York Process Servers

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